We would like to say thanks to all our virtual neighbors for their continued support. |
Upper West Web - Proud of Our Accomplishments |
Establishing a web presence is something that we are passionate about, and something we believe that we do well. When we are acknowledged for a job well done by our clients, it is enough to put a smile on our face. Receiving awards for our hard work, well, that is just icing on the cake. We have been recognized recently for a job well done, and would like to share our awards with you, because you helped us achieve them! |
Awards & Recognition Forty Under 40 Program - Rockland Business World, Rockland Journal News, September 25, 2002. "Business Program Recognizes Young Leaders for Their Accomplishment, Commitment to Community" and feature on award winner Donna McGuire, Upper West Web. Copyright © 2002 Rockland Journal News. Used with permission.
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